Rainer Hertrich - day 2557 - October 31, 2010 - Copper Mountain
December 16, 2015 update
Rainer has released a book about his adventures. Click here for the story.
2,993 Consecutive days of skiing!
On Wednesday, 1/12/2012, Rainer Hertrich set the world record for most consecutive days of telemark skiing.
Hertrich ends world record streak
Eight years, two months and 10 days after he last took a day off from skiing, Rainer Hertrich reluctantly ended his world-record streak Wednesday, failing to make turns for the first time since 2003.
ESPN reports that the Copper Mountain snowcat operator was diagnosed with “a serious case of cardiac arrhythmia—essentially an irregular heartbeat—which put him at risk of cardiac arrest.” His doctor ordered him to take an ambulance to the hospital. Instead, Hertrich went home, put on his boots, and took a last run. He then drove himself to the hospital and was placed in intensive care.
April 2012 Update
From November 2003 to January 2012, Rainer Hertrich skied nearly 3,000 days in a row, until his heart gave out on him. Guess where you’ll find him now? (Hint: It’s not in bed.)
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September 1, 2011 – 2881 days and counting
Rainer Hertrich wants to ski more consecutive days and more vertical feet than anyone.

You know those “How many days have you skied this season?” threads on some message boards. No matter how many you claim, this guy will see that and raise you 2,881 consecutive days on the slopes! (as of September 1, 2011) With a little help from his friends, he has skied every day viagra for women since November 1, 2003. He holds the still growing “unofficial” Guinness record. It will be certified once he takes a day off.
Rocky Mountain News – For ski-record holder, winter endless
ESPN – Hertrich logs 2557 days
ESPN interview: Rainer Hertrich shoots for 100 million
Are there other World Record holders that you look to for inspiration?
“My hat is off to the guy who surfed for however many years. But the earth is seven eighths water, so it’s easy to get to water. Getting to snow and skiing this many days is a lot more difficult than a simple walk across a beach.”
“I’ve skied all over the world and Copper is still one of my favorite places.” (Mine too Rainer! Mine too!)
If you reach 100 million vertical feet, will you stop there? Or will you keep going?
“As far as I can tell, I will reach 100 million in late February 2012. The skiing usually gets really good around then, so it’s going to be really hard to stop.”
Any parting words?
“Go skiing. Shut up and go ski. Quit your whining, shut up and go ski!”
In Chile, Rainer ran into a Canadian, Greg Hill, whose goal is to climb and ski 2 million vertical feet in 2010. “I know I am being obsessed this year, but I still have made time for other things like family trips, beaches, mountain biking, golf. I cannot imagine not taking a day off for seven years! ”
Man skis every day for 7 years
The Ski Channel – 2000 Straight Days on Skis and Counting
1000 Days – Outside Magazine – And You Call Yourself a Ski Bum
Day 949 – Copper Mountain, Colorado
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