Click for more photos from last year’s septuagenarian party.
Sugar Mountain Ski Resort
Septuagenarian Party
January 8, 2019
Last Run Lounge
Anyone 70 and older can qualify for complimentary skiing/riding at Sugar Mountain Resort. To obtain your complimentary skiing/riding privileges please visit Sugar Mountain Resort’s administration office, located on the second floor of the main lodge building and present a photo ID. You may also chose to receive a daily ticket at no charge, or a season pass for a processing fee of $20.
Every January Sugar recognizes the wonderful contribution our seniors make to the sport of skiing by throwing a party. This year’s party will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 in the Last Run Lounge.
[sep-choo-uh-juh-nair-ee-uhn, -too-, -tyoo-]
1. of the age of 70 years or between 70 and 80 years old.
2. a septuagenarian person.